Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love Lost

Why do I always assume that love from the past remains? And that people are genuinely good, although I know that isn't true...why? It's killing me. At my age, with my experience, I should know better by now. I married the first big crush I ever had and by conquering some old idea, I ended up divorced.

I guess the point of this random jumble't feel emotionally responsible for the meaningful relationships because there was a reason they didn't work out. There are two guys from my past that, admittedly, I have dropped everything for to get attention from...I'm glad I've finally come to my senses because living in a constant state of pretend is so unhealthy.

I married Mr. A (name has been changed to Mr. A or Mr. Awesome) and we have been together 6 years now...I couldn't even allow myself to be happy and that's not fair to either of us. Our long road of struggle is finally coming to a close. There will always be hardship, but I don't need to add to it by pretending the grass is greener somewhere else.

My random thoughts for the morning.

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